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Nov. 22 2012
There are three simple truths when it comes to the milk market, noted Mike North, a senior hedge consultant with First Capitol Ag, at the ABA National Agricultural Bankers Conference
Nov. 14 2012
Congressman-elect David Valadao is a partner in his family's 1,700-cow dairy operation. by Lucas Sjostrom, Hoard's Dairyman Associate Editor Agriculture has some friends in Washington, D.C. But it has...
Nov. 8 2012
The 7th annual Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council annual meeting is underway in Sacramento, Calif. Over 250 attendees have registered from as far away as Brazil, the most in the event's history
Nov. 2 2012
here's a cruel irony to what has been one of the most destructive financial years that dairying has ever seen: The Class III milk price average in 2012 is likely to be the third highest in history
Oct. 18 2012
Water, according to David Beede, with the Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University, is the most essential nutrient for cows
Oct. 17 2012
I'll admit that I'm a bit of a technology geek. I say "a bit" because I am not a video gamer, computer programmer or owner of the latest iPhone
Oct. 15 2012
While the U.S. is a world superpower in being a consumer, we don't rule the oil market. The Wall Street Journal said this morning that government numbers show a 12 percent surge in U.S. crude oil production
Oct. 3 2012
Siblings win Grand Champion honors Dressed in bright orange shirts, junior Holstein exhibitors kicked off the the first show of Expo. Judge Chris Lahmers of Ohio and his associate judge, Pat Conroy of...
Sept. 26 2012
On the farm, the need for a smartphone depends on the user. But I could make the case that each farm could have one if they wanted. Your extra costs are about $100 initially (over two years) for the phone,...
Sept. 4 2012
Holstein Association USA classifier Willis Gunst recently attended a twilight meeting in Wisconsin to share the new classification changes with Holstein breeders and to answer questions they have on the...
Aug. 23 2012
Production in the 23 major dairy producing states remained static for two consecutive months. With a slight revision of less than 0.1 percent from preliminary estimates, June milk production was bolstered...
Aug. 10 2012
Bad has turned to worse for milk producers in the nation's largest dairy state. Few, if any, California dairies managed to fully recover from the 2009 cost:price crisis before another outbreak in 2012
Aug. 2 2012
To remain a player we cannot remain disinvested in agriculture. Last Thursday we shared some insight from Sonny Ramaswamy the recently appointed director of the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture...
July 25 2012
Most dairy nutritionists already have been stuffing cows with as many alternative feeds as they can lay their ration formulas on. If there is less corn or soybeans at harvest time, due to our current...
June 25 2012
You may be facing challenges with the availability and expense of common bedding sources such as sawdust or the management of sand bedding. In recent years recycled manure solids have become a more prevalent...
June 21 2012
May milk production refused to buck the trend set by the preceding months. When compared to May 2011, 2012's production was up 2.1 percent in the 23 major states. The milk production estimates are provided...
June 11 2012
Recent size and landscape changes of New Zealand's dairy industry are worth noting. Even though New Zealand currently produces less than 5 percent of the global milk supply, recent changes in size and...
June 5 2012
Dairy leadership program will now be held more frequently. The time for leadership in the dairy industry becomes more critical as producer numbers decline and the number of consumers grow. Fortunately,...
April milk production.jpg
May 21 2012
If the milk prices didn't already tell you, you should know that there's a lot of milk being produced in the U.S. today. Year-over-year, January through April have averaged 767,000 pounds more per month...
May 18 2012
A recent visit to the Chino, Calif., milk shed was a sad sight. What once was is no more, and what remains doesn't have much left. A visit to the Chino, Calif., dairy area this week found only fragments...